Issue 22 - August, 2024 - CAMA

New Membership Benefit: CAMA Employee Benefits Program

Western Financial Group is delighted to partner with CAMA to provide its members with a superior method to manage insurance programs with greater financial and administrative efficiencies. 

In today's competitive job market, having a reliable and affordable benefits package is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. The strength in numbers approach with CAMA's Insurance Program can help you reduce costs and stabilize rates while providing comprehensive coverage. 


Program Advantages

  • An immediate 10% premium savings for eligible members for equivalent coverage
  • Stability is generated by spreading claims over the entire pool
  • Health Care Spending Accounts provide added flexibility to cover additional medical expenses
  • Direct pay capability with a pay-direct drug card that pays for prescription drug and professional services electronically at the point of sale
  • Plan sponsors can conveniently perform many administrative functions online
  • Members will now have many different coverage options to choose from
  • Each member will have a dedicated Insurance Advisor to assist them


Why Invest in Group Health Benefits?

Investing in group health benefits can yield numerous advantages for your business. It demonstrates a commitment to your employees' well-being, which can enhance morale and loyalty. Additionally, it can help with recruitment by making your company more attractive to potential hires.

Also, healthy employees mean fewer sick days and a more resilient workforce, which can lead to increased overall productivity and reduced healthcare costs in the long term.


How to Get Started

Getting started with Western Financial Group’s group health benefits is straightforward. Reach out to their dedicated team of specialists devoted to providing exemplary services to members of the CAMA Employee Benefits Program. 

Phone: (204) 943-0331 | Toll Free: (800) 665-8990

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Issue 22 - August 2024
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