Issue 19 - February, 2024 - Jim Jackson, President

Feb 2024 - Message from your CAMA President

From a Roller Coaster to a Train Ride

When I reflect on the last decade or more of our industry, I realize that we have been on a big roller coaster ride. If you want an example that is a little closer to home, think of your personal investment portfolios: an up and down ride with no sight of any stability. We have seen an aging group of independent owner operators with no family succession plans talking about and looking for an exit strategy to retirement. Many of these operators have since sold their business to their local competitor or a larger national based corporate company. We have had the opportunity to live and operate our businesses through a worldwide pandemic; hopefully this will be a once in a lifetime experience. We have seen unprecedented changes in technology and the affect it has on the way we run our businesses. High interest rates, sky rocketing cost of goods, labour shortages, we have experienced it all.

On a positive note, I feel that the highest peaks and the lowest lows are starting to level out.

This roller coaster ride has had a significant influence on our Association as well. Reduced membership, a result of acquisitions and retirements and tighter spending habits due to the pandemic and inflation. But with some thoughtful insights and proactive decisions by your board of directors, I see the roller coaster ride settling down into a much smoother train ride as we move forward into a much more optimistic and stable future for our association.

CAMA, as we know it today is a much smaller association than it was in the past. Changes were necessary to support the future viability and growth of our association. This change has come in the way of co-hosting our biggest event of the year, our annual trade show, alongside the Convenience and CARWACS show. Our two associations share so much in common as we are both in the convenience industry. The combined show is the largest show of its kind in Canada with anticipated attendance around the 5,000 range. This provides our exhibitors with expanded opportunities to promote and market their products and services.

As a result of this partnership, we are experiencing an increase in interest from our supplier members to exhibit and attend this show. We are also experiencing an increase in CAMA membership applications as well. I have strong feelings that the future of CAMA will be travelling on a smoother train ride to growth and success.

With everyone’s support we will work together to bring our association and industry events back to the glory days that many of us can remember. We as your board of directors strive to bring value to everyone’s membership.

I look forward to greeting everyone in attendance at our fast-approaching trade show next month on March 5 & 6.

Also mark your calendars for Canada night at NAMA and our golf tournament in June.

Jim Jackson
CAMA President

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Issue 19 - February 2024
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