Issue 8 - April 2022

In this issue:
April 2022 - Message from Your CAMA President
Jim Jackson, President

First! the good news, save the date! Our first in person event in over 2 years will be CAMA’s annual golf tournament which is scheduled for June 15th and will be held at Granite Ridge Golf Club located on the beautiful Niagara Escarpment in Milton ON.

New for CAMA Members: A Specialized Commercial Insurance Program from Western Financial Group Insurance Solutions
Western Financial Group

The Automatic merchandising and vending industry provides its own unique challenges when it comes to insurance and protection. We have put together a variety of products to make sure that your business has various options for protection and is covered when issues do arise.

71% of Consumers Prefer Bean-to-Cup Beverage
Mother Parker’s Tea and Coffee

NEW! Bean-To-Cup Programs From Mother Parkers
We have partnered with a trusted Canadian manufacturer to provide a quality bean-to-cup solution for fresh coffee and coffeehouse favourites at the touch of a button. Or no touch at all.

Evoke Market - Vending Machine + Micro Market Hybrid Solution You’ve Been Waiting For

U-Select-It’s new Evoke Market is an innovative self-service solution that combines the security of vending machines with the accessibility and ease of use of micro markets.

Coffee Corner - What Have You Got that will Help Beat the Heat?
Brian Martell, Heritage Coffee

Spring is here, the days are longer, buds are starting to show on trees and soon summer will be upon us. It is definitely not too soon to be thinking about what warm weather options there are for foodservice and OCS customers.

Driving Sales Through Impulse Purchases
Brian Emmerton, Complete Purchasing Services

Snacking and indulging in a treat has always been synonymous with the vending and self-service markets; having food and beverages available at a convenient location whenever it is desired is the impetus for the evolution of our diverse industry.

Adapting Your Business to the New Reality
Brokerhouse Group

It will be quite some time before we understand the full impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. But the history of such shocking events tells us many things. Even in severe economic downturns and recessions, many companies have been able to gain advantage and emerge stronger.

How to Stay Ahead of the Shifting Retail Landscape
Cantaloupe, Inc.

Over the past few years, retailers have had to adapt to dramatic changes in consumer behavior. Without regular, person-to-person interaction, customer engagement took on a whole new importance, and now, on the other side of the pandemic, the line between unattended retail and traditional retail is blurring. Cantaloupe, Inc. CEO Sean Feeney predicts some of the trends that will be part of the next-generation retail experience.

Tech Corner - Bean-To-Cup: Increased Volume Means Increased Labor
David Jackson, Business Development Manager, Quality Vending & Coffee Services

The world of office coffee, especially in desirable larger accounts, is moving away from traditional brewing methods and is demanding more. The unstable labor market means employee retention and at work satisfaction is more important than ever. An easy way to do this is through specialty coffee.

Should you keep some COVID controls in place?
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS)

As the province lifts pandemic restrictions for public places, what are the workplace implications? Should your workplace lift its restrictions in line with the province? "Not necessarily," says Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) Consultant Pamela Patry.

Issue 8 - April 2022
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